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Re: FireWalls

I'm not saying that we shouldn't discuss this here, but another mailing
list, which is completely focused on the firewall topic, can be subscribed
to by sending e-mail to


with a message body of

	subscribe firewalls <your address>

...the reply message should include information about how to access the
approximately three years' worth of archive data from the list, as well.

There are quite a few good FTP sites with copies of the standard set of
papers (Bellovin, Cheswick, Ranum, Chapman, etc.) that one can start with
to get up to speed quickly;


...are just a few which come to mind.

Finally, there are lots of good books on this subject.  Eugene Spafford 
has written a pretty good introductory text entitled

	Basic Unix Security (as I recall), O'Reilly & Associates
Then there is the now-classic text by Bellovin and Cheswick, whose exact
title eludes me at the moment but which includes the (sub)title

	Fooling the Wily Hacker		

(...don't recall whether its Addison-Wesley or Prentice-Hall as the 
publisher, either; as you can tell, I'm conducting yet another experiement
in sleep deprivation this week :(   )

Good luck, and happy reading.
